These classes are tutored and your tutor for this class will be Lavenham artist/tutor David Lee. Models vary for all our classes.
David started out studying graphic design at Doncaster College in 1966, then at 17 being a little adventurer he took the boat from Southampton to the Canaries. He then spent the next few years between the Canary islands and mainland Spain, where his early career was personalising the Plaza Del Torres posters for tourists. He then went onto to set up with his easel and oils in Parque De Santa Catalinia, where he spent his days painting people, cafes and surroundings.He went onto to exhibit in Hong Kong after traveling through Asia and eventually he returned to the uk. He then started his new chapter in storyboard advertising which took him to New York for two years. When the crisis hit in 2008 he decided to focus full time in fine art which he continues doing to this very day, everyday!
David and his French wife Marie- Laure now live in the beautiful village of Lavenham in Suffolk.
David’s class is suitable for all levels and all materials are provided.
And of course as with all classes (I) Tracey will always be on hand throughout the class to help you with everything you need, even the music to create the right ambience for your class.
Classes are maximum 9 spaces so plenty of tutoring if needed
Tutor: David Lee
Suitable for all levels.
10 Qty Available